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Dostats is written and maintained by Art Kagel and the latest versions or Art's utilities can always be here

Usage or semi-man page

Usage:  ./dostats [-h host] -d database [-t table] [-p] [-f filename] [-g] [-N]
              [-i table_1 [-i table_2 [...]]] [-x [table_a|dbase_a:] [-x...]]
              [-i @[file1] [-i @[file2]]] [-x @[file1] [-x @[file2]]] [-G]
              [-i '!where clause'|subquery] [-x '!where clause'|subquery]
              [-D|-6|-5] [-S] [-v[-1|0|1]] [-e|-E] [-s] [-V] [-F] [-T] [-I]
               [-C] [-L] [-o] [-P procPDQ] [-Q tablePDQ] [-w Nsecs]
              [-R HighRes] [-r MedRes] [-c MedConf] [-Z MinSamp] [-m]
              [-b[-B BrowseThreshHold]] [-a [-A AgingLimit]] [-X]
      -h Host defaults to $INFORMIXSERVER.  (The program uses multiple
         connections to the host.  This requires a non-shared memory
      -d Database may contain valid "matches" clause wildcards.
         The string 'ALL' is equivalent to '*' and will cause ./dostats to
         execute against all databases except sysmaster.
      -t Table may contain valid "matches" clause wildcards.
         Table defaults to '*', all user tables (No system catalog tables.)
         The special name "none" can be used with the -i option to specify
         a limited list of tables with dissimilar names.
      -G Get physical row count using COUNT(*).  On servers with a very large
         number of tables this option can improve runtime as sysptnhdr has no
         indices and must be scanned.
      -b Browse mode.  Select only tables which have had their row count
         change by a percentage specified by the -B, browse threshhold,
         option since statistics were last updated.  Overrides inclusions.
         This option requires a non-shared memory connection and so is not
         compatible with -S.
      -B Specify browse threshhold.  Specify percent change used by the
         browse mode option (-b) to filter tables on which to operate.
         Range: 0.0001<->10000.0  (Default: 15.0%)
      -a Distribution Aging.  Select only tables whose distributions are
         more than AgingLimit days old.  If specified with -b adds tables
         rejected by browsing that satisfy the AgingLimit.  Otherwise Aging
         eliminates tables otherwise included if they do no exceed AgingLimit.
      -A Specify distribution AgingLimit.  Range: >= 0. (Default: 30 days)
      -p Update statistics for stored procedures.  If -t is not also
         specified only stored procedures are updated.  (Default: true
         if no -t option provided, false if -t, -x, or -i are provided.)
      -Q Set PDQPRIORITY for updating statistics on tables.
         (Default: Environment value of PDQPRIORITY or zero.)
      -w Specify wait setting for lock mode.  >0 wait N seconds, <0 wait
         forever, ==0 set to not wait.
      -P Set PDQPRIORITY for compiling stored procedures.  A PDQPRIORITY
         value for stored procedure compilation is now always produced.
         (Default: zero.)
      -f filename writes statistics commands to the named file and does not
         execute (default: Execute commands immediately).  If filename is '-'
         output is written to stdout (errout should be redirected).
      -X Enable SET EXPLAIN ON during the statistics run.  You can review
         the sqexplain.out file do see if other options and environment
         variables may improve the performance of dostats.  See Informix
         manuals about using PDQPRIORITY, PSORT_NPROCS, PSORT_DBTEMP,
      -D Needed for 6.00 databases.  Removes new 7.xx syntax.
      -5 Needed for 5.xx databases.  Removes new ODS syntax.  Only permits
         a single database to be processed.
         If omitted and SYSMASTER database not found this option is assumed.
      -6 Synonym for -D for consistency with the -5 option.
      -v Verbose mode.  There are 4 modes:
         -1 - No progress output.  Only print error messages.
          0 - Normal progress output.  The -v without argument is equivalent
              to -v0.
          1 - Expands all explicit and inferred options in addition to normal
              progress output.
          2 - Adds even more verbosity.
      -S Shared memory connection handling.  Only permits a single database
         to be processed.
      -i Specify tables to forceably include in the tables processed.  One
         may enter a single table, the @ sign followed by the name of a file
         containing a list of tables one per line, or an exclamation point (!)
         followed by either a WHERE filter to be applied to systables to
         select tables for inclusion, or a complete sub-query beginning with
         the keyword 'select' which will return a list of valid table names
         to include.  To aid script use if the argument to -i is simply '@'
         stdin is read.  Multiple -i options are concatenated to form a net
         list.  Note that all -i options can be used together.  (NB - Database
         includes are not implemented.)
      -x Specify tables or databases to forceably exclude from those
         processed.  One may enter a single table or database, the @ sign
         followed by the name of a file containing a list of tables and/or
         databases, one per line, or an exclamation point (!) followed by a
         WHERE filter to be applied to systables to select tables to be
         excluded, or a complete sub-query beginning with the keyword 'select'
         which will return a list of valid table names to exclude.  To aid
         script use if the argument to -x is simply '@' stdin is read.
         Multiple -x options are concatenated to form a net list.  Note that
         all -x options can be used together.  Database names are specified by
         appending a colon (:) to the name (ex: "sysutils:" to exclude the
         sysutils database).
      -s Recognize Standard Engine limitation of 8 index columns.  Only
         permits a single database to be processed.
      -e Expand reporting to output elapsed time of each stage in seconds
         and fractions.
      -E Expand reporting to output elapsed time of each stage in hours,
         minutes, seconds and fractions.
      -V Print out dostats version and source code revision and exit.
      -F Disable single column index optimization.  Use HIGH...DISTRIBUTIONS
         ONLY and LOW which is faster on some systems/databases.
      -N No specific keyword for updating stored procedures/functions.
      -o Override detected server optimization level.  By default if the
         target engine contains the optimized UPDATE STATISTICS algorithms
         introduced in 7.31xD2 & 9.30xC3 all HIGH level distributions are
         requested with a minimum number of statements.  For earlier releases
         of IDS HIGH level distributions are requested for a single column at
         a time.  This option reverses this behavior so that scripts for use
         in an advanced engine can be created from a schema loaded on an
         earlier release and vice-versa.
      -R HighRes sets resolution for HIGH Level distributions.
         Calculate distributions by dividing keys into (100 / HighRes)
         bins each with approximately the same number of keys.
         Valid range: max(0.005,1/nrows) <= HighRes <= 10.00
         Default: 0.5 (200 bins)
      -r MedRes sets resolution for MEDIUM Level distributions.
         Calculate distributions by dividing keys into (100 / MedRes)
         bins each with approximately the same number of keys.
         Valid range: max(0.005,1/nrows) <= MedRes <= 10.00
         Default: 2.5 (40 bins)
      -c MedConf set confidence level for MEDIUM Level distributions.
         Valid range: 0.80 <= MedConf <= 0.99, Default: 0.95
      -m Enable processing of system catalog metadata tables.
         (Default: disabled)
      -Z Set minimum sample size for MEDIUM resolution.  (0 < MinSamp < nrows)
         By default all of -T, -I, & -C flags are set.  Manually specifying
         any of -T, -L, -I, or -C disables any of the others not also
         explicitly specified.  Enabling -T -I emulates dostats version 1.
         Options -T & -L are mutually exclusive if both are given the last
          -T  Enable table level statistics update to MEDIUM.
          -L  Set table level statistics update to LOW and drop distributions.
          -l  Set table level statistics update to LOW keeping existing
          -I  Enable statistics update of first column of each index to HIGH.
          -C  Enable statistics update indexed columns to LOW.
          -g  Enable statistics update fragmentation expression columns to
              HIGH (ie treat like first index key columns).

      Setting PDQPRIORITY in the ./dostats environment causes an effective
      argument of '-P 0' to be added the commandline to protect procedures.

      The environment variables INFORMIXUSER and INFORMIXPASS can to used
      to specify a username and password (respectively) other than the
      current user's id and password.

dostats Cookbook