Whether you plan using IDS mirroring or not it is recommended it is set. The Admin Ref advises not to if not used. Can make admin later in life easier


Separate dbspace on it’s own partition

ALARMPROGRAM use this as a mechanism to notify you of problems via email or pager


Make sure that LOGSIZE * LOGFILES * (LTHWM / 100) is greater than your greatest possible combined open transaction load during peak update periods (allow for periodic bulk loads/updates/deletes, remember updates need 2x the log space). LOGSIZE is the maximum amount of data you can afford to do without if there is a catastrophic crash and you have to rebuild on a back up machine


Ipcshm – one poll thread per CPU VP, poll threads * connections is a hard limit for ipcshm so calculate required shared memory users

Tlitcp/soctcp – at least 2 threads in NET VP – each NET VP can easily accommodate 100 TCP connections


BTSCANNER num=1,priority=low,threshold=50000,rangesize=10000

0 – Keep all shared segments non-resident – can be swapped out!
1 – Make the Resident segment memory resident – non-swappable.
N – Makes initial N-1 Virtual segments memory resident.
-1 – Make resident and ALL Virtual segments resident.


Replaced by the aff= clause of VPCLASS.

On Solaris and HPUX this is a MUST! Solaris is aggressive and HPUX downright predatory about aging long running processes!


Set them the same for OLTP systems to minimize Chunk writes calculate based on estimated # concurrently active (not connected) user connections: #users / 4 or the max value (32bit-128, 64bit-256). IBM’s Dan Wood recommends just maxing LRUs out all the time – little cost - much benefit NUMAIOVPS – if no KAIO or COOKED chunks use 1* #chunks plus 2-4. With KAIO & all RAW chunks you’ll need 4-8, start with 6. Replaced by VPCLASS aio CHKPTINTVL – how many transactions can you afford to have to recreate? If the answer is none then apps MUST log their own transactions so they can be replayed unless all your transactions are instantaneous! Otherwise, this is the timeframe from which you can reasonably recover if everything that happened during that time was not committed and had to rollback.

NUMAIOVPS – if no KAIO or COOKED chunks use 1* #chunks plus 2-4. With KAIO & all RAW chunks you’ll need 4-8, start with 6. Replaced by VPCLASS aio


how many transactions can you afford to have to recreate? If the answer is none then apps MUST log their own transactions so they can be replayed unless all your transactions are instantaneous! Otherwise, this is the timeframe from which you can reasonably recover if everything that happened during that time was not committed and had to rollback.

LOGBUFF – Keep small for BUFFERED LOG databases.