====== The Informix Time-line ====== 2007 : Informix released Informix Dynamic Server (IDS) 11 aka Cheetah 2005 : Informix released Informix Dynamic Server (IDS) 10 removing 2Gb limits everywhere and confirming IBM continuing support and enhancement of the product. 1996 : Informix released "Universal Server", the combination of Informix-Online Dynamic Server and Illustra. 1995 : Informix purchase Illustra, an Object-Relational Database, for integration into Online DSA. 1994 : NewEra, Informix's GUI OOP language released. 1993 : Informix-OnLine Dynamic Server. 1990 : Informix-OnLine introduced. 1988 : Release WingZ on the Macintosh, the beginning of graphical spreadsheets with speed, flexibility and high quality graphic capabilities. 1988 : The company changed its name to Informix Software Inc. In due course, Informix-4GL/RDS and Informix-4GL/ID, the p-code versions of Informix-4GL were introduced. 1987 : Informix-Turbo was introduced in 1987, and Informix-SE became a separate product. 1986 : This was followed by Informix-4GL. 1984 : Release of Informix Second-generation SQL-based products, first general releases being Informix-SQL and Informix-ESQL/C versions 1.10 and the companion C-ISAM version 2.10. 1982 : Release the pre-SQL product suite (Informer query language, Perform form manager, Ace report writer, ALL - reaching version 3.3) 1981 : They released C-ISAM (under the name "Marathon") 1980 : Informix was founded by Roger Sippl and Laura King under the name "Relational Database Systems Inc".